Make it recursive, Optimze with Dict or array.

  1. Try Brute force
  2. Look for optimization
  3. Is there any repetation
  4. Look for a recursion
  5. Use dict or array to store values

1. Longest Non Decreasing Sub Sequence

1. Create a Temporary array
2. Iterate the input and compare with elements in the temp array
3. if input<curr
      replace curr = input
   if input >= curr:
      next element
  end of inner loop
  add input to temp array if not already added
4.return length of temp array

def longest_nondecreasing_subsequence_length(A: List[int]) -> int:
    result = list()
    for n in A:
        add = True
        for i in range(len(result)):
            if n< result[i]:
                result[i] = n
                add = False
        if add:
    return len(result)

2. Combination of stairs

How many possible ways to clib a stair

#maxstep: how many steps in one move,eg 3 means, 1 or 2 or 3 steps in a move
#total stair: 5

1. yes its recursion withe memoization
2. total = onestep then func(stairs-1) + twostep then func(stairs-2) + three step then func(stairs-3)

Things to note:
* no Need to use set
* no need to keep all the combination just number is enough

def number_of_ways_to_top(top: int, maximum_step: int) -> int:

    myd  = dict()
    myd[1] =1
    myd[0] = 1 # yes its one

    def generate (stair,steps):
            return 0
        if stair in myd:
            return myd[stair]
        total = 0
        for step in range(1,steps+1):
            total+= generate(stair-step,steps)
        myd[stair] = total
        return total
    return (generate(top,maximum_step))
    #return generate(4,2)